Argentina: A huge country like a continent

Argentina: A huge country like a continent

A country as huge as this is more like a continent. It is as varied and as different region to region as the whole of North America. Any land made up of tropical jungle with waterfalls, vast ‘prairie’ plains, the Pampa, wild mountains that once were Inca country, though a little ‘Switzerland’ to the ice of the Artarctic, cannot fail to show you something new.

The essence of Argentina is the richness of the land and the people. This si really is cattle country – there are over 100,000,000. In Buenos Aires, the capital, the people are as sophisticated and a cosmopolitan as those in Paris, London or Rome. Life in Buenos Aires is lived in high style.

The Argentines are a very united people, a mixture of European immigrants and Indian stock. They all speak Spanish. Whether they are from the jungle or the mountain ice and snow, they have one common interest – a love of sport. In Argentina, you can hunt, fish, sail, ski, climb mountains, see a glacier that is still growing, explore the jungle, just sit in the sun, swim from sandy beaches or ride.

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