A weekend of art in New York City

A weekend of art in New York City

Being alone in town on a Sunday can be a dull prospect if you don’t know your way about. Of course, there are always the Broadway movie houses, but you can go to the movies anytime, so why waste a day in New York doing that?

Saturday night, pick up a few Sunday newspapers, particularly in the ‘Times’ and ‘Herald Tribune’ and also ‘The New Yorker’ and ‘Cue’. These are all valuable as guides to amusements and special events. Go through the theatrical sections; many legitimate theaters, especially Off Broadway, give performances on Sunday. Possibly you can find a show that you’d like to see and Sundays are often the easiest days for geting tickets. If the shows are unknown to you, turn to ‘The New Yorker’ or ‘Cue’ for reviews.

In the morning, how about having breakfast sent up to your room? Somehow this is one of life’s great luxuries. You may want to attend religious services at one of New York’s well known houses of worship.

Sunday is a good day for a visit to the Hayden Planetarium where you can see an extremely interesting show for a modest charge. Immediately adjacent to the Planetarium and in the same park area is the American Museum of Natural History, which is so large that you could spend days there. It has many fine exhibits and also schedules lectures, movies and special shows. There is a little shop in the museum which sells various novelties like bird’s eggs, sea shells and all sorts of gifts that would delight children.

At 85th St & Central Park West, you can take an eastbound cross-rown bus which runs through Central Park to Fifth Avenue. Walk to the Metropolitan Museum of Art (82nd St.) where you’ll see priceless paintings and exhibits. There is a shop in the museum which sells art books and amazingly good reproductions of original art works in the museum collection at very reasonable prices.

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