The most plentiful cluster of budget hotels on the Right Bank is found-surprisingly enough-in a small area just two and three short blocks from the Are de Triomphe. if you want to be sure that you’ll find an available room on the Right Bank without much searching, then this is the area to visit.
Walk up the Champs Elysees to the Arc de Triomphe. That monument stands on a plaza known as L’Etoile-so called because it forms the axle of twelve broad avenues which radiate out lik e the spokes of a wheel. The inexpensive hotels are to be found at the right of the Arc de Triomphe, as you face it from the Champs Elysees, and they are mainly on the side streets which intersect the spoke-like avenues.
Walk away from the Arc de Triomphe down the Avenue de Wagram. After three blocks, you’ll see the Rue Brey on your 1eft. This little street is lined with budget hotels: The Hotel Neva, 14 Rue Brey, (especially recommended but only for couples; the single rooms are high; very clean; very friendly staff; Hotel Studio Etoile, 7 Rue Brey, Hotel Tilsitt, and the Hotel Wagram (also particularly good, but somewhat steeper in price).
Another excellent side street off the Avenue de Wagram, just short blocks from the Are de Triomphe is the Rue Troyon, where you’ll find the excellent Hotel Royal Magda, at 7 Rue Troyon, $5 for a ci”öü1JIe, breakfast included; and on the same street, the Hotel Modeme,4 Rue Troyon, and the very best of the lot-the Hotel Princesse Caroline, 1 bis Rue Troyon. Of the two streets, I’d try the Rue Troyon first, but avoid the Hotel Troyon, whose recent treatment of readers is a case study in cupidity. The metro stop for both the Rue Troyon and the Rue Brey is: Etoile.
Other and better hotel-bearing streets jut off from the Champs Elysees itself, a few hundred yards before you reach the Are de Triomphe. The side streets to the left of the Champs, as you approach the Arch, house the expensive ones. The narrower and more bustling shopping streets to the right of the Champs have a few good budget choices. On the Rue du Calisee, for instance, just twenty yards from the Champs Elysees, the Hotel du Colisee Lat 6 Rue du Calisee, has lovely double rooms; while, across the street, the Hotel Royal at 7 Rue du Calisee, is not quite as good, but still suitable.
Though both hotels are on the busiest little side street you can imagine, their location is a superb one, just a few feet from a metro exit on the Champs Elysees (which I believe is the Franklin Roosevelt stop).
Now a last, major find in this area. Further up the Champs Elysees, again to your right, you’ll find the Rue Washington. Walk up the Rue Washington for a few feet and on your left you’ll see the Rue Chateaubriand. At 6 Rue Chateaubriand stands an inviting white-painted building-the Hotel Arromanches -whose English-speaking owner. Highly, highly recommended.
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