Early Morning Light on Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia

Early Morning Light on Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia

Over half of Queensland is in the Tropics – some of it still unsettled. Called the sunshine state, it certainly can be among the warmest places in Australia, umcomfortly so in summer months of November to April. Apart from some beautiful country ranging from jungle to mountain, downs and desert, it has two famous tourist attraction: the coral gardens and islands of the Great Barrier Reef, and the Gold Coast.

Swimming and surfing from any of over two dozen magnificient beaches (Manly, Bondi, Palm Beach, Coogee and Cronulla for example). This can be as exciting to watch as to take part – as can be the sailing in the harbor and around the Heads. Fresh-water fishermen will find some of the trout fishing in the world up in the Snowy Mountains at Lake Eucumbene. Golfers have no lack of excellent courses, but may need an introduction to use them.

Depending on the season, there will be sporting events somewhere every week: tennis at Rushcutters Bay, Rugby football in winter, cricket in the summer, horse racing and show jumping around Easter. And for skiers, the Snowy Mountains are at their best in September.

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