Alaska, our 49th state, lies in the far northwest corner of the North American continent and includes the Aleutian Islands. The Alaska mainland is due north of Honolulu. The Aleutians extend as far west as New Zealand.
The name ‘Alaska’ was derived from an Aleut word meaning ‘great land,’ and every inch of Alaska lives up to its name, with the highest mountains on the North America continent (Mt. McKinley, 20,300 feet) and rivers long and mighty (Yukon, 2,300 mles). It’s a big and beautiful country from the steep-walled fjords of southeast to the wide horizons of the Bering Sea coast. In the summer the sun shines 18 to 24 hours. In winter it’s a Jack Frost wonderland awesomely illuminated by the Northern Lights. It’s also a sportsmen’s favorite, with big fish and big game.
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