San Francisco: City of Bridges and Ramps

San Francisco: City of Bridges and Ramps

I met the computer game I played at the age of 11 with this city. I always gave the answer to my favorite city, San Francisco, to the classic question that is asked to everyone who travels a lot. It is such a beautiful place in the American continent that no city is like it. This city is home to many icons, from its famous red bridge to its street decorated with flowers, from sea lions sunbathing in its port to Alcatraz prison, from steep or steep slopes to its streets. Here is the San Francisco travel guide.

You can go to San Francisco by a 14-hour flight from Istanbul. The road is long and tiring. The time difference between the two countries is 10 hours. This city is located in the westernmost part of the American continent, north of the state of California. The flow of ocean cold water currents from the coast of the city built around the deep bay causes the city to be quite cold. No matter what season you go to San Francisco, don’t forget to dress tight. After a long flight, I start with Pier 39 in Fishermans Wharf, where I was most curious about my tour in the city. This is the spot that hosts the most tourists in the city.

It is decorated with human density and fish markets reminiscent of Sirkeci in Istanbul. While walking on Pier 39, I hear the same sound from everywhere; it is obvious that it is animal sound but it is not familiar at all. As I get closer to the end of the pier, I see that a lot of sea lions are enjoying the sun. I don’t remember watching a wild animal so closely and safely in its natural environment.

In front of me, Alcatraz, the most famous prison in the world. Many films were made about the prison and the famous criminals who remained in prison. The fact that no one managed to escape from this history also added fame to his fame. I do not like to visit places like dungeons and prison. It is much more pleasant for me to watch the prison, which is 2 kilometers from the shore, from this distance.

If you want to go there, get your ticket via the internet in advance. As a matter of fact, due to the intense interest, tickets are sold at the earliest 10 days after the box office. Boudin, located in Fishermans Wharf, is the first place to try the city’s food. In addition to having a bakery that sells delicious breads, the Bakery Museum it hosts is also very interesting. Its taste is excellent, and the bistro that serves meals is a treat. For everyone living in Anatolian lands, the culture of bread and bread has an irresistible flavor. Boudin serves soup, another food I like very much, between bread. The taste of the crab soup, which cracks the palate in a crunchy flavor bomb bread, is incredible. Having a pleasant meal is enough to make me happy.

San Francisco is a city that was completely destroyed and rebuilt after many earthquakes and fires. It is one of the best examples of urbanism success with its straight corners and straight streets. What makes these streets even more beautiful is the steep slopes. “The only thing you saw when you came up the slope was the sky,” Khaled Hosseini tells of the San Francisco slopes he met as a child in his book Kite Hunter. I will not be able to forget the excitement that makes me feel as if I’m falling off a cliff while I drive down one of the steep slopes. One thing I can go to even stroll in the streets is downtown San Francisco.

Suddenly, it is a surprise city where cable car named semi-open trams are cut off and it is not clear which hill you will be fascinated by the sea view. If the name of the street you entered is Lombard, you are lucky. Keep driving. As the hill climbs, in the rearview mirror, Alcatraz is winking at me and the sea is full of view.

When I start to go down, I encounter the most beautiful street in the world. It is a very enjoyable way, consisting of 8 hard bends covered by houses as beautiful as fairy tales and where flowers are everywhere in front of the houses. As I continue driving through the streets of San Francisco, I head to the nearby Coit Tower before heading to the red bridge of this city’s most famous. When I look from above, even though it is concrete everywhere, it makes me very admired to feel the admiration of the city from my childhood.

Bridges are not just concrete-free objects to connect the coasts. On the contrary, it has a soul. They are symbols that reflect the spirit of the city and add spirit to the city. The Golden Gate Bridge proves to be the symbol of the United States, just as much as the Statue of Liberty. Bridges always look nice to me, but for some reason I love Golden Gate.

I watch Golden Gate with the magic of that first moment I encountered, without letting anything else distract me without talking for a long time without taking pictures. California is mostly left in the fog because the cold water stream meets the city’s heat system. It looks very exquisite with its red color appearing in white mist, and with its color appearing under a deep blue sky in sunny weather. In fact, its color, which is neither full red nor full orange, is called “International orange”.

The name Golden Gate has a story coming from Istanbul. It is said that Captain John C. Fremont, who was a famous explorer at the time of gold rush in California in 1846, named the gulf, dedicated to the Golden Horn, which the aliens called the Golden Horn, and took the name of the bridge from here. Another attraction of San Francisco is the Bay Bridge, but after the Golden Gate, I will not tell about it. It got dark. Cold winds coming from the bay are cold without season. I’m on Fillmore street, the entertainment center of San Francisco. I will celebrate my wonderful day by dancing. As it is sung in that famous song; If you’re going to San Francisco, make sure you’re wearing flowers in your hair…

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