AAP Australian Associated Press
AP Associated Press
ABC Australian Broadcasting Commission
ACCL Australian Council for Civil Liberties
ACP Australian Communist Party
AlCD Association for International Co-operation and Disarmament
AJA Australian Journalists’ Association
ALP Australian Labor Party
AP Associated Press
APC Australian Peace Council
ASIO Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
AWU Australian Workers Union
BBC British Broadcasting Commission
BPC Burchett Passport Committee
BP SLV Burchett Papers – State Library of Victoria
CDNl Committee for the Defence of the National Interest
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
C1ADL Commission of the lnternatiorvl Association of Democratic Lawyers
C1CD Congress for International Co-operation and Disarmament
CIS Commonwealth Investigation Service
CPA Communist Party of Australia
CPD Commonwealth Parliamentary Debates
DLP Democratic Labour Party
DPP Director of Public Prosecutions
DRC Democratic Rights Council
DRVN Democratic Republic of North Vietnam
FCO Foreign & Colonial Office (British)
FEC Far Eastern Command
FNLA Angolan National Liberation Front
FO Foreign Office (British)
FREMLINO Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (FREMLINO)
HMAS Her Majesty’s Australian Ship
INS International News Service
ICC International Control Commission
1CRC International Committee of the Red Cross
IRC International Red Cross
ISC International Scientific Commission
IWM Imperial War Museum
MAWF Movement Against War and Fascism
MHR Member of the House of Representatives
ML Mitchell Library
MPLA Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola
NAA National Archives of Australia
NARA National American Records & Archives
NCCL National Council for Civil Liberties
NLF National Liberation Front
NNRC Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission
NSC National Security Council
NUJ National Union of Journalists
OAU Organisation of African Unity
POL Palestine Orient & Lloyd Line
QC Queen’s Counsel
RAA.F Royal Australian Air Force
RAN Royal Australian Navy
RSL Returned Soldiers League
SEATO South East Asian Treaty Organisation
SLV State Library of Victoria
SS Schulzstaffel
UAP United Australia Party
UDNA Union of People in Northern Angola
UN United Nations
UNA United Nations Association
UNC United Nations Command
UNCURK United Nations Commission for the Unification & Rehabilitation of Korea
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
UNITA National Union for the Total Independence of Angola
UP United Press
UPA Union of the Peoples of Angola
US United States
VPA Vietnam Peoples’ Army
VPC Victorian Peace Council
VVPC World Peace Council
ZANU Zimbabwean African National Union
ZAPU Zimbabwean African People’s Union
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