Suriname: The country of perfect harmony despite ethnic differences

Suriname:  The country of perfect harmony despite ethnic differences

Suriname is a country of 556,846 inhabitants, where warm, small, powerful rivers and ethnic diversity combine. These ethnic people speak Dutch and Sarana Tango.

Paramaribo, the capital of the country, welcomes you with its bottomless forests. Here you will see many ethnic differences. The stories are not so bright, but the important thing is the harmony that has been achieved at the moment. The continuing lineage of African slaves fleeing slavery is a rare population in the world, including the Dutch and British Colonists, Indian, Indonesian and Chinese.

Here you will experience the best of both worlds. In addition to numerous restaurants, shopping malls and fun-filled nightlife, the country is surrounded by wild nature and endless forests.

Suriname:  The country of perfect harmony despite ethnic differences

The country does not have some difficulties. For example, the frequency of forests and the presence of strong rivers make it very difficult to navigate around and easily navigate. In addition, you can encounter communication difficulties as many different languages ​​are spoken.

When you come to Suriname, you will surely want to see the Suriname River. This upper Suriname River Region is like a natural cultural package of the country. You can enjoy the river adventure or enjoy the white sandy beaches. If you feel adventurous, you can enter the depths of the forests and visit the famous Maroon and Amerindian villages.

You can say that Amsterdam meets the country’s capital Paramaribo in the wild west. Black and white Dutch colonial structures and pancake stalls selling hundreds of spices from India’s bosom and colorful paintings by Maroon Artists are among the squares running through the grass.

Suriname:  The country of perfect harmony despite ethnic differences

Spider monkeys roam freely, electric eels floating in the river, or blood orange birds that make you look at them in length. If this is what you want to see, Raleighvallen is the place to go. It’s also called Raleighvallen Falls. To reach here, a two hour ride up the river from the nearest Maroon village is enough.

Suriname has some things to beat. Some of those; Hagelslag, Pom and Parbo which is a local beer. If you prefer to visit this beautiful country in February and April, a cooler weather welcomes you and is a good time to walk around comfortably. August and November are usually drier, warmer and more intense. Paramibo is famous for its crazy and unforgettable New Year celebrations. Maybe you’d like to look at your calendar again.

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