Open air opera at Baths of Caracalla, in Rome, is one of the great summer events of Europe. The opera stage is set amid the gigantic ruins of the former Roman bath house, and the setting is spectacular-for certain productions, the ruins are actually employed as part of the scenery. Performances are scheduled almost nightly, the latter being perfectly satisfactory.
Try, of course, to get to any of the performances, but if a production of “Aida” is scheduled, then rise from a sick bed to be attendance, because you’ll see a spectacle that’s equalled by no other opera company. A near-army of extras fills the stage during the triumphal march of the second act, and an elephant or else a brace of horses comes charging in at the climax. With all this, the voices may seem overlooked, but the overall effect is stupefying.
For summer concerts in Rome, you’ll want to be at the periodic recitals of the renowned Santa Cecilia Orchestra, performed at the Basilica of Massenzio (entrance on the Via de Fori Imperiale, with the background setting being the Roman Forum). But take nothing better than some Euros seats-only the crowd from the Hotel Excelsior goes for higher-priced variety.
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