Things Not To Do in Las Vegas

Things Not To Do in Las Vegas

Don’t… Use the Casino ATMs

Most casino ATMs charge anywhere from $2 to $6 (plus whatever your bank tacks on) for the pleasure of spitting out more money for you to lose.

Instead… Do yourself a favor

Bring either bring plenty of cash or hit the BofA and WaMu-Chase machines off the Strip.

Don’t.. Arrive at the Airport 30 Minutes Before Your Flight

OK, maybe if you are a veteran you can pull this off. However, security lines in Vegas are legendarily long. Furthermore, once you check your bags and clear security, there is a good chance you are going to have to hop on the monorail to get to your gate.

Instead… allow yourself one and a half hours

While the Strip is only about five minutes from the airport, leave enough time to make your flight. Don’t worry: There are plenty of Wheel of Fortune slots in the terminal if you happen to breeze through the security and monorail hurdles.

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