What is a travel blogger? How much money does they make?

What is a travel blogger? How much money does they make?

Traveling the world may seem like a lot of fun, but those who do this as a profession have many problems. It is of course nice to earn money instead of spending money while traveling the world, but they also have some difficulties for them. Here are nine things they complain about the most.

1- Not having a fixed income

According to the experience of the travelers, it is not necessary to expect to make money in the first year you start traveling the world. The reason for this is being a new traveler and not being able to prove himself yet. But even experienced travel bloggers cannot be said to have a steady income. Travelers who say that they earn a lot of money sometimes, and sometimes they do not have a penny, say that it is important to save money and plan the expenses.

2- Having to work 24/7

You may think that people with a travel blog share 1-2 posts a day and then continue to travel comfortably. But the truth is very different. Travelers who say they have to spend at least 12 hours a day on a computer are working very hard to turn their blogs into a business. Otherwise, they state that they try to answer incoming mail, communicate with advertisers and customers, and deal with photo and video editing.

3- Looking at the world through the camera lens

Travelers, who have to capture the best angle, light and moment to take photos and videos wherever they go, state that one of the most difficult places to photograph is airports. “It looks a bit strange from the outside when you’re sitting there waiting for the flight time while others are photographing everything you see,” they add. Apart from this, the travelers who state that the cameras and equipment they carry to shoot are also heavy, and they have to try to prevent these materials from being stolen.

What is a travel blogger? How much money does they make?

4- Reading anxiety of the blog

It is necessary to consider a lot of factors to have a good travel blog and to appeal to large audiences. In other words, you can only write a place you like in a plain text and expect to have a lot of readers. Writing in a specific format, attracting the attention of the reader and informing it, and having fun content are the first features that a blog should have in general.

5- The necessity to show an ordinary moment as if perfect

They may be tired, exhausted, sleepless and even suffering from illness. But whatever happens, their sharing must be flawless. While doing this they asked themselves, “What am I doing here? What am I doing?” There are also travelers who admit that they ask. Trying to reflect the unhappy moments happily should be a difficult job.

6- Being exposed to communication gap

Travelers who do not communicate frequently with their families and friends while traveling around the world complain a lot. Thanks to the channels like Facebook, Skype and Whatsapp, it is invaluable for them to communicate with their loved ones even if they are short.

What is a travel blogger? How much money does they make?

7- Not having a serious relationship

It is very difficult for travelers to meet someone and try to step into a relationship. Because eventually one of the two sides will have to go somewhere else. Even those who can carry out the long-distance relationship may have to settle in another country and build a new life for the other party. It is also challenging to balance this.

8- Not being able to enjoy traveling

Imagine going on your annual leave and going on vacation somewhere you’ve never seen. How exciting is it? But if you are a traveler who has been traveling the world for a long time, the situation will lose its excitement after a while, and those who are experienced in this matter state. Sunsets, waterfalls, churches, temples. After a while none of them complain that the old excitement does not exist and everything becomes ordinary.

9- Not having a stable life

Continuously preparing suitcases, sleeping in hostels, trying to arrange plane tickets, getting lost in maps. One of the most tiring things of travelers after a point is not having a fixed life. Ordinary things that we all do almost every day, such as working at a computer, cooking home, going to sports and falling asleep in front of the TV, can turn into what they miss at a certain point.

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