Austria has excellent vines. The whites from Grinzing and Krems, the reds from Klosterneuberg and Baden and others from the ‘Wine District’ or Weinviertel above Vienna and the vineyards of Burgenland and Steiermark are among best. The Austrian beer, of course, is memorable.
A Viennese custom is the casual winefeast, a Heuriger, which denotes both the newly-pressed wine and the locale where it is served – usually the tavern of a private vineyard in whose garden the tasting goes on. Grinzing and Sievering are famous for their Heuriger and in summer many guided tours of the Vienna Woods will include a stop at such gathering.
Prices are reasonable and there are no restrictions on the sale of liquor and licensing hours are 10 am to midnight for restaurants and up to 4 am for nightclubs.
No review of Vienna’s eating and drinking places would be complete without mention of her cafes, the favorite meeting places of a gregarious and witty people. They offer pastries and half to half-a-dozen different coffee concoctions – with or without whipped cream.
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