Copenhagen: Modern yet Ancient

Copenhagen: Modern yet Ancient

Copenhagen is a city which is proud of still maintaining that old charm and medieval surroundings. It is place that really lets you know the true value of ancient culture, civilization combined with modernity. The history of Copenhagen is thousand years old. It started taking shape in 1176 and evolved as the major Baltic Port and a huge area of Scandinavia region. Architectural excellence can be noticed at very stride in the city. The impressive ancient buildings constructed during 16th and 17th century sill stands tall with pride as visitor’s attraction.

Stock Exchange, the Round Tower and the Palace of Rosenborg are some of the marvelous pieces of architecture that will never let you go unimpressed. Canal network developed in order to focus the trade and shipping in the city is also something great to be explored. And the medieval streets in central Copenhagen are occupied by 15th, 16th and century monuments. Though Copenhagen is the largest city in Scandinavia, the old arrangements of the city is more appealing than modern heritages. Still pervaded by that small town atmosphere, Gabled houses, narrow streets and skylines dominated by spires impart it a characteristic different other from capital cities.

The city boasts of diversified source of entertainment that includes fabulous nightlife, museum, theatres and lively atmosphere. Danish cinemas have impressed the worldwide audience. Furniture, Jewelry and technology are the cores of this economically thriving capital. Besides all these, it has many things to offer. You will find ultra-hip bars a amidst the 17th century buildings. A road bridge connecting Copenhagen to Sweden is also an important area to pass through. Climate of the city in every season is always favorable to visit it. Hotels in Copenhagen offer comfortable accommodation at affordable rates.

Visits: 81