Planning for a Girlfriends’ Getaway
If you love a girls’ night out, take the concept one step further with a girls’ weekend vacation. Spend a night or two–or three–with your closest gal pals in a …
Planning for a Girlfriends’ Getaway Read MoreTourism and travel guide about destinations, attractions, tips, activities.
If you love a girls’ night out, take the concept one step further with a girls’ weekend vacation. Spend a night or two–or three–with your closest gal pals in a …
Planning for a Girlfriends’ Getaway Read MoreChicago is stupefying. It knows no rules, and I know none by which to judge it. It stands apart from all the cities in the world, isolated by its own …
Call Chicago mighty, monstrous, multifarious, vital, lusty, stupendous, indomitable Read MoreIllinois entered the transition stage during which Chicago developed from a mud-rutted town of 29,963 in 1850 to a city of 296,977 in 1870, probably the swiftest growth of a …
Brief History of Illinois and Railroads Read MoreThe Constitution of 1848, designed for a rural State, had made no adequate provisions for this new industrialism, creating such problems as police and fire protection in congested areas, sanitation, …
Illinois History: Grange Movement in Illinois Read MoreElgin (717 alt., 94,487 pop.) , an industrial town in the midst of wide farmlands, lies on the gentle bluffs of the Fox River. Although only an hour’s ride from …
Elgin: An industrial town in the midst of wide farmlands Read MoreEvanston (601 alt., 74,239 pop.), fronting largely on Lake Michigan, and with an extension stretching westward at the northern edge of the city, is roughly L-shaped. It is the first …
Evanston: Aristocratic and Self-Sufficient in Illinois Read MoreThe Santa Fe itself named a heavy percentage of the places through which it runs, largely because it got there before the settlements existed. Most of the names are Indian, …
Santa Fe and American Town Names Read MoreThe spring of 1815 brought peace to Michigan Territory. But peace spelled destitution. No longer supplied by the English, bands of hungry Indians swooped down on farmhouses of French settlers, …
Americanization of Michigan and Wisconsin Read MoreRockford (742. alt., 150,115 pop.), seat of Winnebago County and third largest city in Illinois, is bisected by the Rock River 18 miles south of the Wisconsin Line. The metropolitan …
Rockford, the third largest city of Illinois Read MoreNauvoo (620 alt., 966 pop.), the city built up by Joseph Smith, stands on a promontory around which the Mississippi River flows, some fifty miles north of Quincy, Illinois. Here, …
Nauvoo on the Mississippi River, Illinois Read More