Seychelles Exotic Sunset Landscape

Seychelles Exotic Sunset Landscape

Mahe, the largest and most populated of the islands, has a number of features to recommend it. A car is almost a necessity for exploration as the coastal roads weave through some of the most exciting coastal scenery in the world. Particularly noteworthy is the drive over the hills to Grand Anse and the coastal trip south from Victoria. Also near Victoria is Beau Vallon, one of the best beaches on the island. Victoria has a museum, Botanical Gardens, and Government House.

Praslin, the second largest of the group of islands, can be reached either by boat and plane. Although the island is only 23 miles from Mahe, the boat journey takes about four hours, so it may be advisable to consider staying on Praslin is the Vallee de Mai where you can see the coco-de-mer palm which produces the world’s largest fruit, a double coconut which can weigh up to 4o lbs. Hotels in Praslin are Cote d’Or Fishing Lodge, Chateau de Feuilles, Pante Cabris.

La Digue, the next island out, about 1 hour by boat from Praslin, has just native huts, cocnut palms, ox carts, pigs and chickens.

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